Class Surveyor
Flag State Inspections & Classification Surveys - CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE
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Nowadays there are more than fifty classification societies in the world but still the classification process and its interrelationship with international and flag regulations is not always well understood.
Nowadays there are more than fifty classification societies in the world but still the classification process and its interrelationship with international and flag regulations is not always well understood.
The classification society, which is a non-governmental organisation in the shipping industry establishes and maintains technical standards for construction and operation of marine vessels and offshore structures.
The primary role of the society is to classify ships and validate that their design and calculations are in accordance with the published standards. It also carries out periodical survey of ships to ensure that they continue to meet the parameters of set standards. The society is also responsible for classification of all offshore structures including platforms and submarines.
Flag states maintain a ship register in which all ships that sail under their flag need to be registered.
Classification societies are licensed by flag states to survey and classify ships and issue certificates on their behalf. They classify and certify marine vessels and structures on the basis of their structure, design and safety standards.
The primary task of classification society surveyors is to survey in order to maintain the standards of construction and condition of ships and machinery, which have been laid down by the society.
The secondary function of class surveyors, where their society is approved by governments, is for their surveys to be used as a basis for the issue of statutory certificates relating to safety at sea.
A classification society’s workforce comprises of Surveyors who are full time employees and are generally referred to as “Exclusive” surveyors; the ones employed on a part time basis are “Non-exclusive” surveyors. Although the classification societies started in 1760 with captains who will examine a ship, more specialization came and now there are in principle there three kind of surveyors whom are mainly marine professionals’ mariners, such as a qualified ship's deck officers, mechanical/electrical engineers, naval architects.
In most cases you will find the navigational inspectors as the flag state inspectors and auditors.
The classification society uses the mechanical/electrical inspectors. They will start in the engine room and will learn the hull part in their inspection career. The hull surveyors are in a perfect world only naval architects. The auditors in the classification society can have navigational background but normally the surveyor with experience will become auditor. Although you will think that every class surveyor is entitled to inspect everything, this is however not the case.
It is the intention of this course to extend the student’s knowledge and understanding of the role, workings and requirements of a classification society and its interface with IMO when applying statutory regulations on behalf of flag administrations and qualify you as an expert in this field able to deal with port state control, flag administration and vetting officials.
The course content is aimed at providing newly appointed surveyors and those as yet limited practical experience with solid technical knowledge about classification and statutory matters. This course is specifically structured for those looking to taking up the role of a Non-exclusive surveyor enabling them to properly undertake the duty imposed under the relevant Classification rules
Of course, the material also includes the latest technical information and thus allows participants to obtain “work-ready” knowledge.
Minimum Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for this Course, however, in order to fully benefit from the training, it is recommended that the participants are either new entrants to the shipping industry or professional staff in shipping companies, ship brokers, port a...
Minimum Entry Requirements
There are no prerequisites for this Course, however, in order to fully benefit from the training, it is recommended that the participants are either new entrants to the shipping industry or professional staff in shipping companies, ship brokers, port agencies, insurance inspectors, banks and similar service organisations can gain a valuable understanding of their customers' roles and responsibilities. The comprehensive documentation that accompanies the course has been designed as a useful guide for future reference.
Who Should Attend
- The Maritime field is extremely broad and brings about relationships with a variety of people with varying levels of experience from the many different aspects of shipping therefore this course is suitable for a broad range of maritime related professionals and regularly attracts ships’ officers and shore-based management staff. But the course is also valuable to Classification Societies, Marine Insurers, P&I Club Managers, Port Authorities and Coast Guard personnel amongst others. The course is conducted online and provides a wonderful chance to build your international professional network without having to afford any travel expenses. Often more than 10 nationalities participate and are introduced to each other thanks to our education portal features.
- Producers, Traders or Commodities Brokers and Suppliers
- Ship Agent, Shipbrokers
- Shipowners, Charterers, Shippers and Maritime Attorneys
- Purchasers and Technical Managers and Superintendents
- Captains, Chief Engineers and Ship Staff
- Insurance Company Underwriters, Claims Handlers, and Members of the Legal Profession
- Service providers, Surveyors, Inspectors, Analysts, Technical Advisers
- Practicing Cargo Agents, Freight Forwarders, Shipping Industry Starters, Cargo Consolidators
- Other Professionals.
Recognition & Accreditation
Compliance with regulations
The IAMSP methodology and tools are based upon long-term experience in development of training programs and best practices while ensuring compliance with maritime codes, conventions and regulations in the shipping industry. This course is int...
Compliance with regulations
The IAMSP methodology and tools are based upon long-term experience in development of training programs and best practices while ensuring compliance with maritime codes, conventions and regulations in the shipping industry. This course is intended to facilitate access to the knowledge and skills demanded by increasingly sophisticated maritime technology, it is also designed to meet the requirements of:
- The United Nations and the Economic Commission for Europe Code of uniform standards and procedures for the performance of draught surveys.
Study Mode & Duration
Each module is expected to involve 6 hours of learning time each week, making a total of 52 hours per 2 months period and the associated tests might be completed in less than 2 hours.
The training sections don’t have to be c...
Each module is expected to involve 6 hours of learning time each week, making a total of 52 hours per 2 months period and the associated tests might be completed in less than 2 hours.
The training sections don’t have to be completed in one session, you may return to it as often as you like, the system will bookmark your last page so you are returned directly to where you exited the program.
This course will remain open for 2 months for completion or revision starting from the date of course uploading on the student portal.
One or more extensions of study totaling not more than 2 months may be requested by a student and authorised by the Course Director. The request should be made at least one day prior to the end of the period of study.
Further extensions are used where exceptional circumstances necessitate an extension of the normal period of study in order to complete the final test. An agreed extension may involve the payment of small additional fees.
Teaching Methods
In line with the IAMSP’s general approach and the best international standards, the course is designed with the aim of providing excellent training with an emphasis on its concrete application in the job, professional and company principal related activities.
The training include a course framework (detailing the scope, objective, entry standards, and other information about the course), a course outline (timetable), a detailed teaching syllabus (including the learning objectives that should have been achieved when the course has been completed by students), guidance notes and summary of how the students will be evaluated.
The course involves mainly independent study with the assistance of the educational team; study time, in general, is to be spent on activities such as studying the lecture course material and textbooks and preparing your coursework in order to be ready to take the final test.
Your progress in the subjects taught will be tested and consolidated through exercises related to actual cargo surveying cases.
Modes of attendance
This course can be attended only:
Online, via a cutting-edge web platform.
Course Benefits
Course Benefits
Whichever way you choose to take the course, you will receive:
Certified Digital badge
Digital badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome that can provide valid verifica...
Course Benefits
Whichever way you choose to take the course, you will receive:
Certified Digital badge
Digital badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome that can provide valid verification of your credential. They protect the integrity of your credential by providing a link to the verified data from IAMSP that cannot be falsified. Earners can share their credentials in their email signature, resumes and across various social media platforms, with their contacts, and the greater community enhancing their profile visibility and recognition.
Tutors Gateway
Our tutors are renowned trainers and managers with strong academic and industry backgrounds, with sector-specific skills and practical experience. They are therefore able to bring a wealth of up to date experience and competency.
High Quality Learning Materials
All participants in this course will be provided with a wealth of documentation, including slide presentations, case studies and exercises.
The course material is current and accurate and is regarded as the most comprehensive study material of its kind at this level.
Career and Employability Service (3 Months)
Participation in this course will entitle you to have your CV inserted in the IAMSP database and distributed to companies, organizations and head hunters of the IAMSP’s international network. With our certificates, the student has the chance to apply with leading companies in the shipping industry and gain access to work-experience placement opportunities. After you finish your course, you can get help, advice, and support for up to 3 months from our Careers and Employability service as you advance in your career.
Registration in the IAMSP Alumni Portal
Participation in the Advanced Diploma’s course entitles you to be enrolled in the IAMSP Alumni Association, the international network through which students of the IAMSP can share ideas, experiences, and projects.
IAMCS Affiliate Professional Membership
As a direct benefit of our accreditation from the International Association of Marine Consultants and Surveyors, students will receive exemptions from the academic requirements for Affiliate membership level of IAMCS
Already in the Profession or Industry?
RPL & Skills Recognition
Sometimes an experience is more valuable than a qualification. Thanks to Recognition of Prior Learning or, RPL, now your previous skills, experience and working knowledge can lessen the time it takes you to complete a course and get you working towards y...
RPL & Skills Recognition
Sometimes an experience is more valuable than a qualification. Thanks to Recognition of Prior Learning or, RPL, now your previous skills, experience and working knowledge can lessen the time it takes you to complete a course and get you working towards your career goals faster. It can be difficult to find the time and effort to fit an entire course into our lives, especially for those already working and juggling other commitments. Despite the convenience of online courses, there can still be an issue with time. This is where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) comes into play, where your previous skills, experience or qualifications can shorten the time it takes to undergo a course and allow you to become eligible for qualifications you may not otherwise be able to do. For instance, you can use RPL to claim some but not all credits on a level of the course (for example, to avoid completing a module that covers the knowledge you already have).
Sources of RPL
RPL can come from previous study, employment, voluntary work and training courses, including courses and qualifications you didn't complete. RPL is also known as prior learning assessment (PLA) and prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR).
Types of RPL
There are 3 types of RPL you can put towards a qualification:
- 1. Credit transfer
- 2. Prior certificated learning
- 3. Prior experiential learning
You can put more than one of these types of RPL towards a qualification.
1. Credit transfer
Credit transfer is when you put credits from a previous higher education qualification towards a new qualification. We can accept credits from qualifications you've completed in the last 10 years. Higher education qualifications include Professional Certificates, Professional Diplomas, Foundation and Bachelor's degrees, HNC and HNDs, and Master's degrees issued after the successful achievement of either web-based distance learning programs or traditional classroom education. If you started but didn't complete a higher education course or you have a higher education qualification or credits from an educational institution, you may be able to use prior certified learning (see below) instead of credit transfer.
2. Prior certificated learning
Prior certificated learning is a higher level learning that didn't result in a higher education qualification or credits. This can include professional development and employment-based awards, qualifications awarded by professional bodies, non-university higher education, unaccredited institutions of higher education, and university courses you didn't complete.
3. Prior experiential learning
Prior experiential learning relates to knowledge and skills you've gained through previous marine industry experience. For example, through employment or voluntary work.
Applying for RPL
The way you apply for RPL depends on the type of RPL you want to put towards your qualification. Before you apply for RPL, you need to have applied for your course or be registered on it. Details of how to apply will be confirmed by the course's RPL advisor.
Applying for credit transfer RPL
To transfer credits from a previous higher education level qualification towards a new qualification, complete this form RPL Application Form and send it to membership@iamsp.org.
Applying for prior certificated learning and prior experiential learning RPL
To convert prior certificated learning and prior experiential learning into credits you can put towards a qualification, you'll need to put together a portfolio of evidence with your application.
To do this, complete this form RPL Application Form and send it with your portfolio of evidence to membership@iamsp.org. We'll put you in touch with your course's RPL advisor. Defence forces training and experience: Some defence forces training and experience have standard RPL credit ratings and won't need a portfolio of evidence.
Getting a decision
You'll get a decision on your application for RPL within 3 working days of submitting your form.
If you don't agree with the decision, you can appeal it by emailing membership@iamsp.org.
How much does RPL cost?
Applying for RPL is free for all of our courses.
Course Content
Course Content
This Certificate Comprises multiple Specialisation units :
FSI002 | CLASSIFICATION AND STATUTORY SURVEYS | 60 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2A | Module 2A - Hull Structure | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2B | Module 2B - Machinery Systems | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2C | Module 2C - Subdivision And Stability | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2D | Module 2D - Load Line | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2E | Module 2E – Tonnage | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2F | Module 2F - Structural Fire Protection | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2G | Module 2G - Safety Equipment | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2H | Module 2H - Oil Pollution Prevention | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2I | Module 2I - Noxious Liquid Substances Pollution Prevention | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2J | Module 2J- Radio Equipment | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2L | Module 2L - Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk | 12 | View Details | View Details |
Course Content
This Certificate Comprises multiple Specialisation units :
FSI002 | CLASSIFICATION AND STATUTORY SURVEYS | 60 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2A | Module 2A - Hull Structure | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2B | Module 2B - Machinery Systems | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2C | Module 2C - Subdivision And Stability | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2D | Module 2D - Load Line | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2E | Module 2E – Tonnage | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2F | Module 2F - Structural Fire Protection | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2G | Module 2G - Safety Equipment | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2H | Module 2H - Oil Pollution Prevention | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2I | Module 2I - Noxious Liquid Substances Pollution Prevention | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2J | Module 2J- Radio Equipment | 12 | View Details | View Details |
CLS2L | Module 2L - Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk | 12 | View Details | View Details |
This Certificate units are assessed by:
- Coursework, dissertations
- Analysis of topical case studies
- Written reports
- Online examination.
This Certificate units are assessed by:
- Coursework, dissertations
- Analysis of topical case studies
- Written reports
- Online examination.
In addition to supervising the student’s homework assignments completion and training progress closely against the giving deadlines, we provide the following services:
- Helping students in course selection and program planning.
- Consulting and advising students on long-term career goals.
- Consulting and supervising online coursework related to subjects we provide training in.
- Helping students with questions through email or over the phone at a convenient time.
- We often provide students with extra eBooks, free study resources, and extra practice sheets.
- Students are encouraged to contact the education support team, who strive to address learning needs creatively and with care while you are completing the course.
- Enhanced workers prospect for career advancement in the shipping industry through a structured progression program and pathway.
- Provide the trained workforce with skills and industry recognised formal qualifications
On successful completion of the course, you will be rewarded with a Certificate of Competance in Cargo Surveying. Those participants who could not complete the training will be rewarded depending on their current achievements with either Certificate of Competence on the completed subjects or Certificates of Participation on all studied subjects.
On successful completion of the course, you will be rewarded with a Certificate of Competance in Flag state inspections & Classification surveys. Those participants who could not complete the training will be rewarded depending on their current achievements with either Certificate of Competence on the completed subjects or Certificates of Participation on all studied subjects.