Categories and Fees
To be elected as a fellow, the candidate must satisfy the council that he/she:
- Has held for at least eight (8) years consecutively a high position of responsibility in shipping or related business.
- Has distinguished himself/herself in shipping practice.
- Is a principal in a firm or a director of a company in the business or profession.
- Members in this grade are entitle to use the initials FIAMSP After their names.
Associate Fellow
Must match one or more of the following criteria:
- Command of a commercial or naval sea-going vessel.
- Other senior position at sea.
- Senior management position ashore.
Full member
- Individuals holding an internationally recognised marine qualification, or who can prove that they have practiced on a full time basis for a minimum of five (5) years as a consultant or marine surveyor.
- Individuals who, by producing written reports can demonstrate that they have practiced marine surveying or consultancy for at least five (5) years.
- Individuals whose qualifications or experience shall be considered appropriate by the Professional Assessment Committee.
- Members may use the initials FMIAMSP after their names.
Associate Membership shall be open to any person, partnership, company, firm or other corporate that does not own a Ship but is engaged in ship operating or ship management. Associate Members can nominate one (1) person to represent them in the Association. Associate Members are entitled to attend General Meetings and to participate in discussion at such meetings but shall not vote or stand for election to the Board of Directors.
Graduates who do not meet the criteria for Full or Associate Membership and are continuing to train and gain experience prior to applying for Associate Membership.
From time to time the Management Board may confer Honorary Membership on individuals who have given outstanding service to the association. Honorary Members have the same rights as Full Members but do not pay a subscription. Honorary members may use the designation HIAMSP after their names.
Organisations that encourage and approve of the aims of the association and have staff who are members of the association.